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COVID-19 Safety measures

We have stringent health and safety protocols in place to protect your children, ourselves and our community during the COVID-19 pandemic including: fillable surveys supporting contact tracing, compassionate transparency policy among participating families and their exposure levels & practices, touch-less temperature taking each morning, hand washing stations, mask wearing guidelines, social distancing measures, stable cohort & small group size. Our COVID-19 safety policy is based in utilization of pre-screening and monitoring.  One of the single largest preventative factors at our program is the fact that we are open-air and outdoors. You will receive our detailed safety protocols upon enrollment!

Pre-Screening and Monitoring

  • We take every child’s temperature each morning upon arrival. If any child registers a fever (thermometer reading of 100.4˚F or higher) or is showing any signs of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell) we will ask them to obtain a Covid test and quarantine until they are symptom free. If during the program day a child displays signs or symptoms of illness they will be separated from other students and parents contacted to pick them up.

  • All staff and participating families will be self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19.  If staff or families develop symptoms, they will notify the group and stay home.  Any staff person who develops symptoms of illness during the work day will be separated from students and other staff and sent home ASAP.  

Mask-wearing and Social Distancing

  • Everyone is required to wear a mask anytime they are 6 feet or less from another person. During circumstances such as strenuous exercise, eating or drinking, participants are allowed to remove masks so long as they are 6 ft or more apart from others. For example, during snack and lunch times, everyone has seating that is at least 6 ft from others. Also during exercise & running games, we design curriculum accordingly so that everyone is at least 6 feet or more distance from another person.


  • Everyone will wash or sanitize hands each day immediately upon arrival, before snack & lunch and throughout the day.

  • Children are asked to carry a personal supply of hand sanitizer and will be asked to use it before and after snack/lunch, as well as activities that could result in cross-contamination.